Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Twenty Statement Challenge.

As a requirement for one of my classes, my professor ask that we make a list of twenty or so statements about ourselves. Here is the initial prompt:   Make a list of twenty statements about yourself. Begin each statement with "I am..." and then finish that statement.  After writing the statements we will then be asked a series of reflective questions.  If you feel up for the challenge as well I suggest you make the list before reading the reflective questions because they may sway what you put down.

  1. I am a twenty-three year old female.
  2. I am a wife and a newlywed!
  3. I am a sister.
  4. I am a daughter.
  5. I am a loyal friend.
  6. I am a food addict. 
  7. I am spontaneous.
  8. I am always running late.
  9. I am good with kids because they never cease to make me happy.
  10. I am always getting sick.
  11. I am not the best student.
  12. I am pretty dang lazy.
  13. I am tired often as I don't get much sleep.
  14. I am in LOVE with music.
  15. I am looking to live a more spiritual life.
  16. I am aspiring to be a human resource manager.
  17. I am hoping to move back down South.
  18. I am white.
  19. I am funny.
  20. I am a good writer.
We are then in charge of writing a response after giving thought to the following questions: What do you notice about [your list]? More positive or negative statements? How do you know these things about yourself (social comparison/reflected appraisal processes)? If someone who knew you well saw your list would they agree or disagree with any of your statements?

I will post my reflection after completing it!

Have a nice week & good luck if you plan on taking this self-reflective challenge,


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