Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pregnancy with Presley!

So after reading Megan's (fabulous blogging mama to one heavenly angel and her twin earthly angels) post about how she documented both of her pregnancies, I decided to put together a collage of a bunch of my belly pictures and ultrasounds and various pre-Presley pictures... all leading up to one of our most recent pictures of me and her at 9 months post partum.

After having a painful, drawn-out birthing experience, becoming a new mom, and going through the newborn phase - I swore to Tony we were not having any more kids.  I never would have imagined the joy I could have and how complete our family feels now that Presley is here in our family.  I think I could go through it all again in the future, but we are truly happy with life right now.  Who knows how we will feel down the road from now.  If another pregnancy and baby is in the cards for our future that's wonderful but if it it is just the three of us from here on out then I would be just as ecstatic.

And Presley, if you do read my blogs someday (way, way, WAY down the road) our dreams are so complete with you here.  If God would have asked us to describe the baby that we thought we wanted, we would have gotten it all wrong because you, my dear, are ten times sweeter, smarter, funnier, & cuter than we could have EVER imagined.  We love you so much and no amount of time or anything else in this world could or will ever change that.  I can't even imagine how much our love will grow as you do throughout the years but I can tell you that I am so ready & so excited - just as your daddy is. xo


  1. I love the picture collage that you did! You'll have to share with me how you make it because I'd love to create one as well, ha ha. Presley is so precious. Your blog is one of my favorites to follow and read. ;)

  2. Love love love! This made me tear up because I feel the same way about Abi! :) We are such lucky mommas to have such wonderful kids!
