Friday, August 26, 2011

Short post!

I just can NOT wait for the holidays to come around for two reasons:  Anderson Erickson EGG NOG and Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte!!!!  Not to mention yummy Thanksgiving food!  I just day dream for the beautiful Midwest scenery and weather in the fall.  So for these few, simple reasons I can't wait for the summer to pass.

In addition, right after the first day of Fall, Tony and I are moving!  We're finally leaving this terrible apartment we've been in the past three years and into a small, two bed-room house!!!  It's only down the street and a few miles from where we live now, but it is definitely going to mean a great deal of change for us.  More freedom, less stress, MUCH better landlords, safer, cleaner, and just adding to our happiness level!  This is also a great chance to get rid of extra crap we don't need before the baby comes and to situate our house the way we'd like to specifically for the baby!!!  Not only that, but it will be a place that will be a new beginning and someplace special for our new family.  So, we've got thirty days to pack and clean and sort and give away before we are into our new rental house! 

In the meantime, I'll just be super excited for these new changes in our life and in our environment to take place and get ready for these changes!!!

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